However, you cannot go back indefinitely. Usually, you are only able to file amended returns going three years back. Keep in mind, if you file online, they will ask you the correct questions and help you claim the tax credits and deductions you qualify for and guarantee you will receive the largest refund ever. He has written tax and finance related articles for twelve years and has published over articles on leading financial websites.
Nov 23 By filemytaxes Tweet. Search for:. TurboTax Discount. Get TurboTax Discount Alerts! Online Filing is Open! What is the Child Tax Credit? Try the Free tax calculator to see how big of a refund you can get, when you claim the Child Tax Credit. What is the Earned Income Credit? Try the Free tax calculator to see how big of a refund you can get, when you claim the Earned Income Tax Credit. What is the Tax Credit for Electric Cars?
How Much is the Child Tax Credit? But bottom line — you were right and you won! But you want a little more detail. My guess is that the person who should be claiming the child claimed her on a return. So, even if your friend should not have been claiming his Godniece, he should respond. Do what he needs to do to make it right and stop the bleed. He can make arrangements to pay a monthly amount to get caught up. Hi Queen, Does your ex have any proof? Did you sign a form ?
Do our kids live with your ex? So what does your ex have over you? Probably nothing. But only you know that answer for sure. And for more information on reporting Tax Fraud , just click that link.
Just be sure you think through everything first. Making a week cash!!! But you adopted the kids. That should be an open and shut case. Our 2 grand kids have been living with us, supported by only us, completely full time for 2 years.
We do not have any legal guardianship. The parents are claiming them on their taxes. Sorry about giving more info. Thank you. I pay child support to my exfir 4 kids of mine and her family just told me she has bee letting everyone in her family clam my kids so they get more money and she slits it with them.
I question is i have 2 grandkids they were legal ing give to me by court my son wants to claim them , i retried so i do any more but i get ADC for rhem he wants ro claimthem on his can he? My ex claimed 3 kids for 4 years. And head of house hold. Kids only see them once a year for Christmas. I am filing my taxes. For the past 4 years now. Will he go to jail. My daughter is letting someone claim her daughter this has been done 3 years in a roll on top of this she also is claim food stamps and a medicard on her daughter while she is telling the irs someone else is supporting her daughter is this fraud.
When I divorced my ex, we agreed to joint custody and that each of us would claim one of the 2 children. Shortly after, he was reported for abuse of the children and lost joint custody.
I was awarded sole custody by the court. I did not petition to modify the previous agreement, because it was explained to me that the previous agreement created by us was nullified by the new one created by the court.
I have sole custody and all rights therein. When tax time came, I explained to my ex that I would be claiming both children and he was mad as hell, but he knew I had the legal right.
The Curious Bag Profile bio tidbit goes here. Answerbag is for entertainment, so please be civil. Bullying, racism, personal attacks, harassment, or discrimination is prohibited. Discussion of suicide or self-harm is not tolerated and will result in an immediate ban. Please seek professional guidance. Official Know-It-All.
The actual amount of the credit is figured by considering factors such as filing status, earned income and number of qualifying children.
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