If the foxtail infestation is minor, you can overseed with desirable cool-season grasses in the late summer mid-August to mid-September in Pennsylvania so that by springtime, the new grass can shade out the foxtail seedlings.
If the infestation is widespread and there isn't much desirable grass left in the pasture, you may want to plow everything under and reestablish the field.
This will bury the seeds too deep for them to germinate. Remember to take soil tests and correct pH or nutrient deficiencies before you seed, and to avoid grazing the pastures for at least 6 months after seeding to allow the new grasses to establish healthy root systems. If you keep an eye on these plants, you can tell when the seed heads start developing within the sheath the boot stage. You will need to be able to identify the grasses without the seed head present! If you mow between this stage and full seed set, then the plant will not be able to drop seeds for next year, and it won't grow another seed head during this year.
There are three important things to remember with this method:. There is one pre-emergent herbicide approved for pasture use in Pennsylvania called Prowl H2O that you apply in the spring, before the foxtail seedlings emerge, that will prevent them from growing. It is also effective on other summer annual grasses like crabgrass and some broadleaf weeds.
This method has a few drawbacks. First, it is relatively expensive and needs to be sprayed twice for maximum effectiveness. Second, the herbicide has a planting restriction of 10 months for grasses. Therefore, if your field had a lot of foxtail last year and you use this herbicide in the spring, you will have bare ground in its place and no way to fill it in with desirable grass until the following spring. Other weeds may pop up in the bare areas, and bare ground is at higher risk for soil erosion.
It may be wiser to overseed the pasture in the fall and apply the herbicide in the spring. In conclusion, horse owners and hay producers should learn how to tell the difference between foxtail and timothy grasses.
In a severe infestation, eradicating the foxtail may be difficult and can take several years. Let's Stay Connected. By entering your email, you consent to receive communications from Penn State Extension. View our privacy policy. Thank you for your submission! Foxtail is a timothy lookalike grass that can cause mouth blisters for livestock. Learn how to distinguish between the two and eradicate foxtail. Foxtail seed heads, photo by Laura Kenny.
Identification So how do we tell these similar looking plants apart? There are a few features you can check. The seed head This will only be obvious when the grasses are going to seed and aren't mowed.
The collar region Pull a leaf away from the stem and examine the area where they meet this is called the collar region. The plant crown If you can pull or dig up the plant, take a look at the crown, where the shoots meet the roots. However, they can also get into a dog's skin where they can cause serious injury, infection and even death. The torpedo-shaped awns found on foxtails are similar to bullets, as they can penetrate any part of a dog's body.
Is foxtail an annual or perennial? The plant is usually an annual but occasionally a perennial. The rapid growth of the plant means controlling foxtail weeds is a priority for the health and appearance of turf grass.
What kind of grass has foxtails? Foxtail is the common name for grasses that produce a certain kind of flower structure. The usual suspects are foxtail brome, foxtail barley and foxtail millet, but other grasses produce a similar bloom spike too.
The spike is a tightly packed mass of spikelets or flowers that disintegrate after the seed is mature. Is cheatgrass the same as foxtails? This is a fox tail. This is cheat grass. And this is wild oat. Foxtail, wild oats, and cheat grass are not the same but people sometimes interchange them.
How much sun does a foxtail fern need? Warm-Climate Plant Foxtail fern grows outdoors in U. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, growing in full sun to light shade. Dappled sunlight is best.
Can foxtail ferns take full sun? Plant the outdoor foxtail fern in a lightly shaded area, particularly avoiding hot afternoon sun in the hottest zones. The potted specimen outside can take gentle morning sun with light shade for the rest of the day. Indoors, locate the foxtail in bright light and even direct morning sun in winter. If your lawn is thick, those weeds will be out of luck. Whether you are just starting out, maintaining or troubleshooting, you'll find advice and answers here for all your weed control needs.
Skip to main content. Maintain a Healthy Lawn The best way to prevent foxtail grass from taking over your lawn is to keep it from moving in in the first place. Related Articles Whether you are just starting out, maintaining or troubleshooting, you'll find advice and answers here for all your weed control needs. Related Article. Learn More.