What makes a classroom conducive for teaching and learning? What are the importance of conducive environment? Why do we need a conducive learning environment? How does conducive environment affects learning? What is a good classroom environment? How do you create a positive learning environment? What are the ingredients of an effective learning environment?
What are the elements of learning situation? What are key components of learning? What are five important components of learning? Vittra, however, listened to its students. It rearranged its classrooms to reflect what students really want. Many teachers may look at this story from Sweden and want to implement similar changes in their classrooms. Not every student may be able to have access to a laptop either. Even for well-equipped schools, teachers claiming that furniture should be taken out of a classroom will be greeted with deep puddles of doubt.
With Ofsted and an ever-increasing number of exams to take into account, even the slightest semblance of creativity can be pushed under the surface. Conformity more often than not wins out. Why risk a poor Ofsted result for the sake of a few desks?
Strong, adaptive teachers and leadership teams are essential to create the schools of the future. No two schools are the same, but the ones that provide environments that are most conducive to learning will be those that actually ask students which environments work for them, and organise learning spaces to match.
In a investigation in The Atlantic , the publication asked high-level educators in the US what the perfect learning environment looks like. Fresh air, good lighting, inspiring artwork on the walls. With the rapid development of technology, it is possible that schools as a physical space may cease to exist. Such an environment provides relevant content, clear learning goals and feedback, opportunities to build social skills, and strategies to help students succeed Weimer, Proven to be the most effective in a number of ways, an active learning style is best suited for interactive classrooms.
That is to say, both the teacher and the student are engaged in the teaching style and learning process which helps the student gain knowledge, information modeled to be useful. It is helpful to think of teaching styles according to the three Ds: Directing, Discussing, and Delegating. As an adult, having a workspace that is too hot or too cold with non-ergonomic chairs and tables will affect your productivity in a lot of ways.
Having a comfortable physical space where children are able to sit comfortably, see and understand what their teacher is saying, as well as socialise with their fellow classmates is one of the major components of a conducive learning environment. Every child is different. Student A might easily grasp the lesson just by looking at the board and listening to what the teacher says.
Student B, on the other hand, would prefer having visual aids to understand the content of the lesson properly. Then, Student C is the type who gets the lessons when an actual experience is involved.
The point is, the pace and manner of learning of each child are different. As a teacher, it is your responsibility to craft an environment that encourages students to learn at their own pace, style, and despite differences.