Stillmoor Level Ember Isle Level Planetouched Wilds Level Storm Legion. Players level up from in the Storm Legion zones. Cape Jule Level City Core Level Eastern Holdings Level Ardent Domain Level Kingsward Level Ashora Level The Dendrome Level Kingdom of Pelladane Level Seratos Level Morban Level Steppes of Infinity Level Nightmare Tide.
Players level up from in the Nightmare Tide zones. Goboro Reef Level Draumheim Level Tarken Glacier Level Tyrant's Throne Level Prophecy of Ahnket. Players level up from in the Prophecy of Ahnket zones. Tenebrean Schism Level Scatherran Forest Level Gedlo Badlands Level Xarth Mire Level Ashenfell Level Vostigar Peaks Level Meridian and Vice-versa for the defiants to Sanctum. Tempest Bay you Find anyway.
But thanks for the like. My character is a guardian character, so I have added which ports are defiant on them. Edit to Ashora map. Thank you Slipmat for K'Roms Fortress port location. Will add Meridian, Sanctum and Tempest Bay to the relevant maps at some point. Thanks for all the feedback guys. After reading the feedback I went and obtained Meridian port and figured seeing as I did it, I may as well update the post with the others.
Thanks to Stahker and TheGrinnz for letting me know I could obtain the meridian port. Make your way to the top of Harlan's Lament. Become champion of the cyclops arena in Sliptoad Ponds. Droughtlands puzzle can be found at [,]. To complete this puzzle click the glowing orb on the front inner part of the cage holding the treasure chest when it matches the colour on the outside. No need to try and rush the click as the colour will cycle back through without an issue. The Cairn is located at [,].
The location of various artifact collections in Droughtlands. A tear about to open into a Rift. A Champion rides across the Droughtlands.
Telarapedia Explore. Main Page All Pages. Join in. Cape Jule. City Core. Eastern Holdings. Tempest Bay. Ardent Domain. The Dendrome. Let me know if i'm missing any porticulum. Thanks to: DJBayse for the Screenshots! Hope that helps - GL HF. Nightwing 1 Apr, pm. The porticulms from the Nightmare Tide and Prophecy of Ankhet expansions are missing. You're missing three ports in Scarlet Gorge. Missing update the new map Planetouched Wilds!