Going to try using stun on him and see if I can get off a big heal. Comment by Thottbot If you're going to try and solo him as a druid, know that it's a pretty hard fight because although he doesn't have a ridiculous amount of health, he does hit pretty hard, and you'll most likely need to pop out and heal at some point, and during that window is where you'll probably face problems.
I tried to get in the back door and realized I had never gotten the Key to the City on that character my 70 restoration druid. So, I'd go kill the Hearthsinger then sneak over and attempt the Magistrate. It took me about eight attempts, but I finally managed. Hit regrowth, immediately after sit and drink to get that little bit of mana back, then moonfire him, faerie fire him, rejuvenate, lifebloom, and go bear form don't even try cat form, he hits like a truck.
Lacerate him again to refresh it, then bash him, put all three HoTs on yourself, and get back into bear form. Immediately refresh that Lacerate, then keep mauling him until your regrowth finally runs out.
Here's where luck comes into play. You won't have bash back, so you'll have to pop out, Barkskin to reduce the damage a little bit, and do your HoTs.
If you're lucky, he won't use his pummel move that prevents you from healing and will no doubt kill you. If and when you managed to get your HoTs back on, use innervate and get back in bear form, lacerate him up, and repeat using the bash technique until he's dead. Nature's Swiftness might help if you find yourself low on health coming out of bear form and don't want to risk getting interrupted, but like I said, I'm a resto druid.
Comment by Thottbot As a feral druid I struggled with him at first, but in the end found I was just trying to be too fancy. What worked for me was to start out by casting a regrowth, 3 lifeblooms, then shift to bear at charge range. Immediate faerie fire, charge, then demoralizing roar. Oh, after in melee I backed myself up against a wall so he couldn't punt me into mobs.
Comment by Thottbot I soloed him and i gots proof! Comment by Thottbot soloed him first try kara geared resto shaman.
Leather healer gear makes it easy. Comment by Thottbot You'll need at least a respectable amount of dps to be able to solo him, meaning that protadin soloing is extremely difficult. Level 66 The magistrate frequently enrages, which stacks up to 25 times. It puts you in a very bad situation. Comment by Thottbot Soloed him as level 70 Destruction lock with some kara and some arena gear. VW wouldn't hold for long, so I just dotted up, nuked and sacrificed, HS and potion.
Comment by Thottbot wanted to farm that trinket from the rare mob Comment by Thottbot okay so you go in the main intrance Comment by Thottbot Thanks for all the comments about how you easilly soloed this boss. Now how about a comment explaining how to get to him when all the gates to the church are locked Comment by Thottbot I just killed him with my 70 Feral druid.
Was easy. He is not stun immune. Pounce, mangle, Shredm Mange, Rip. Bear form, Lacerate till 5, mangle when its up. Just dps him down fast and he wont grow that much Easy as pie to kill and get the Key :. Comment by Ineluki Soloable as a level 70 retribution paladin wearing nothing other than mostly greens and a couple of blues.
Did use one potion and my Lay On Hands, but I probably didn't need to I'm rusty and just started playing this character again. You don't need epic armor or weapons to beat this guy as a ret pally at least. Comment by asloversgo I remember back in the days of Vanilla, when you discreetly stopped attacking him to loot the Supply Crate that always spawned behind him, before anyone else did.
Atleast I did.. Comment by Fallerup ok.. I've killed this guy, the baroness, nerub'enkan and malki.. Edit: nvm.. Comment by This boss is skippable if the player enters through the back entrance or the 'Service Entrance'. However it is advised to check for a chest which is often behind him and worth the extra work. Comment by Mousa When you enter from the undead side, killing him before he manages to go through the first door, wont prevent Rivendare from starting the 45min clock!
Comment by At lvl 80, my Voidwalker solo'd him. I had full Hateful Gladiator gear non set epics too and Damnation. Furious Anger stacks to Comment by arleminrah Solo'd as lvl 63 prot pally with quest blues from hellfire and some really old blues from uldaman, not too bad Comment by hazmatt Very generous man, he gave me the key to Stratholme!
Comment by wye43 if you are entering the back door undead side , you can pull him together with the first pack if you are fast, so he does not run away. Comment by Very annoying, if you open the Service Entrance gates it makes him run away. Comment by No one mentioned he has a server named after him.
Comment by Homeschool As an 80 Shadowpriest, I was able to use my Hyperspeed Accelerators to dash from the service gate to within range, and pop an instant damage spell on him, drawing his attention before he reached his despawn point. This, of course, drew the attention of the whole crowd, but was easily manageable, AoEing them down and then focusing on Barthilas. I can tell you that - like coming through the main entrance - killing him here prevents him from existing at the end of the instance, though once dead, his corpse vanished.
I'm assuming it either immediately despawned, or - being out of combat - teleported to his service gate entry position at the end, and despawned before I reached that point. As others have mentioned, killing him before he "alerts Rivendare" does not prevent Rivendare from kicking off the timer. When Tirion was found attacked, Barthilas immediately assumed that it had been an orc, and began to scour the countryside for a force of them.
After Barthilas discovered that Tirion had protected the orc, he oversaw every stage of the paladin's degradation. After Tirion was exiled, Barthilas made every effort to ensure that the orc, Eitrigg, was humiliated and brutalized during his execution, and was horrified when the orc was saved. Barthilas begrudgingly assumed his new position as head of Mardenholde. Apparently, that didn't last long. Tirion can be found between West and East Plaguelands, north along the river that divides the two.
Eitrigg can be found in Thrall's chamber in Orgrimmar. Kommentar von Thottbot Quite possibly one of the easiest mini-bosses in Strat-Baron and one who has a very solid loot table, most importantly, the key. Kommentar von Thottbot Stop droping the plate and drop Crimson Felt hat already! Kommentar von Thottbot I've fought this guy dozens and dozens of times, and this has never happened.
Kommentar von Thottbot pretty simple really, once hes been looted and your through the gate after a little while he will turn into his normal self again its what he really was, well dont have to be through the gate but yeah, most nof u probably know this but he came to Baron ages ago asking him to help conqure stormwind, because the king was gone missing and the child which has stormwind now is no match for the baron, so he came asking for help to slay him, the baron refused his offer saying his time will come i may do it on 1 condition, u help me defeat the living!
Kommentar von Thottbot soloable by level 70 or no? Kommentar von Thottbot just soloed as a 70 prot warrior in pre kara gear. Kommentar von Thottbot lol 70 lock solo this no prob. Kommentar von Thottbot well for me at least Kommentar von Thottbot Solo'd as 70 mage. Kommentar von Thottbot partly soloed by 70 feral druid. Kommentar von Thottbot 70 feral druid. Pre Kara gear.
Yeah, okay. Over 18k armor in Dire Bear form and this guy got me. I even had Barkskin going and he still killed my heals. Beware Druids. Either tank him all the way down, or have some really good pots, cause if you gotta pop out, his hits are a killer. Getting re provisioned and will try again.
Going to try using stun on him and see if I can get off a big heal. Kommentar von Thottbot If you're going to try and solo him as a druid, know that it's a pretty hard fight because although he doesn't have a ridiculous amount of health, he does hit pretty hard, and you'll most likely need to pop out and heal at some point, and during that window is where you'll probably face problems. I tried to get in the back door and realized I had never gotten the Key to the City on that character my 70 restoration druid.
So, I'd go kill the Hearthsinger then sneak over and attempt the Magistrate. It took me about eight attempts, but I finally managed. Hit regrowth, immediately after sit and drink to get that little bit of mana back, then moonfire him, faerie fire him, rejuvenate, lifebloom, and go bear form don't even try cat form, he hits like a truck.
Lacerate him again to refresh it, then bash him, put all three HoTs on yourself, and get back into bear form. Thread Tools. Originally Posted by shameee. You could even go in from the main entrance and stealth around everything as a druid and kill barthilas before he gets to move at all. Just be careful for those eye of naxxramas I usually stealth naked and reequip gear when in engaging a boss.
Also be careful for barthilas knockbacks so you dont accidentially pull the undeads anyways Then he can EASILY be soloed when in bear form.
Spectrum-X is win! Originally Posted by b! Never tried it but thought of it, but if it doesn't do more then just getting him dead, then imo it's worthless. Another way is just going around, takes longer but it gets easy for you and much better imo if you can stealth.