Your forearms should be the only thing moving in this exercise. To make the move more challenging, add resistance bands or invest in a weighted dip belt. Weighted dips also help build strength for moves like bench presses and give your shoulders, back, and pecs a workout as well. Place a hand on each bar and then straighten your elbows so that your body weight is supported.
Lift your feet off the ground. Very slowly lower yourself. The elbows should bend out to the side and your torso will likely move forward a bit. Once you feel your pecs start to strain, you can lift yourself back to the starting position. Strategic isometric pauses can make weighted dips even more challenging. Pushdowns require a resistance band or a cable machine. Take either end of the resistance band or the handles of a cable machine in each hand.
Make sure to use an overhand grip, which is when your palms are facing the ground. Using an underhand grip turns the move into a pulldown , which will work all three heads of the tricep. The overhand grip targets the long head of the tricep specifically.
Your feet should be close together but not touching. Tuck your elbows at your sides, brace your abs, and push down on the bar or resistance band. Once your arms are fully extended, you can move back to the starting position.
An isometric pause at the top of the move will help increase hypertrophy. Bringing your hands closer together for a bench press causes lower biceps activation and increases the strain on your triceps. The best part of this move is its simplicity. If you know how to bench press already, then all you need to do is make a change to your grip. Lie down underneath the barbell once you have the appropriate amount of weight on.
Put your hands on the bar directly above your shoulders. Lift the bar out of the rack and bring it above your chest, taking care to stack your wrists beforehand to prevent injury. Lower the bar to your chest and then slowly back up again. Keep your elbows tucked in against your body for the best triceps targeting. Just like the close-grip bench press, diamond push-ups rely on a very simple variation of a classic exercise to really work out the triceps. Get on the ground in a push-up position with your toes supporting your lower body weight, your arms shoulder-width apart, and your palms on the ground supporting your upper body.
With your fingers completely outstretched, touch your index and thumb together to make a diamond. Make sure your back stays straight throughout this exercise. Bend your elbows until your chest almost touches the ground and then lift back up into the starting position to complete one rep. If you want to make this exercise even more challenging, you can also use a resistance band or hold additional weight on your back.
The fierce name should give you some idea about how effective skullcrushers are. Use an EZ bar to get the most triceps activation out of your skullcrushers. Lie down on a flat bench and take a barbell or EZ bar in your hands with your grip about shoulder-width apart. You want to use an overhand grip for this exercise. Lower your hands do that the EZ bar or barbell goes back toward your head.
When your elbows are at degree angles you can reverse the movement back to the starting position. An effective superset or HIIT triceps workout routine will mix targeted triceps exercises with some that target all three heads.
Grab a pair of dumbbells or a similar weight that you can hold in each hand. You can also take one heavy weight in both hands if you prefer. Put your feet shoulder-width apart and grab the weight of your choice. Put the bar behind your head with your elbows bent at a degree angle.
Slowly lift the weight above your head until your arms are completely straight and then lower it back to the starting position. Get exercise tips to make your workouts less work and more fun. ACE-sponsored research: Best triceps exercises.
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I Accept Show Purposes. Table of Contents View All. Table of Contents. Diamond Push-Ups. Overhead Triceps Extensions. Rope Pushdowns. Bar Pushdowns. Lying Triceps Extensions. Close Grip Bench Presses.
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Want to Get Started with Bands? Why it's on the list: This move—also known as a lying triceps extension—hammers two of the three heads of the triceps: the long and lateral heads. The most popular version is performed on a flat bench with the elbows locked over the head hence the name , but it's also great on a decline or incline bench. It also works with a wide variety of resistance including not only an EZ-bar, but also dumbbells, cables, or even the Smith machine.
The article, " Your Complete Guide to Skullcrushers " gives plenty of options to choose from. In your workout: After warming up your elbows, perform sets for reps as the first or second exercise in your routine. Don't be a hero and risk your skull! Hit your reps and it'll help you build tris to match your bis. Why it's on the list: If you've read our 10 Best Exercises guides for chest , back , or shoulders , then you already know that we favor compound multijoint exercises.
Because they're the best for progressive overload and muscle growth. Even though the bench press is usually a chest exercise, a close-grip press has been shown to hit the triceps harder than wider grips, particularly when performed for heavier sets. To really torch the back of your arms, use a close grip, but keep your hands around inches apart.
Tuck your arms in to decrease the amount of stress on your pecs and shoulders while increasing the demand on your triceps. In your workout: Perform this movement first or second in your workout.
Do sets of reps. If you're going heavy, don't hesitate to use wrist wraps for extra support. Why it's on the list: Dips are a proven mass-builder on their own.
Their only problem: Lots of people can't do enough reps to get within the ideal muscle-building rep range of reps. Either that, or they can do way too many. In the latter, add weight with a dip belt or a light dumbbell between your knees or feet.
Dips hit both the chest and triceps, but to favor the tris , keep your body as vertical as possible. Don't lean forward and keep those elbows tight to your sides. Think dips won't work for you? Take a look at any male gymnast ; horseshoe triceps come standard issue with all those dips! In your workout: You can start your triceps workout with dips if they're tough for you.
Otherwise, use them in the middle of your workout to pump those arms full of blood. Shoot for sets of reps.
Why it's on the list: Another dip? EMG evidence suggests that there's substantial triceps activation during a bench dip. How can you make this classic calisthenics move even better? By bumping up the load with added weight!
The best and safest way to load up is to have a partner place weights across your lap. Intensity boosters like dropsets are easy to do: just remove a plate to extend your set.
In your workout: Put this in the middle or at the end of your workout, shooting for 3 sets of reps. If you are feeling super fatigued, this may not be the best exercise, since your shoulders could end up in a compromised position by rounding forward. Why it's on the list: This compound exercise makes it especially easy to pick and change weights for different rep ranges. This makes it easy to do forced reps, dropsets, or even rest-pause sets to boost your intensity.
Pro tip: Many trainees mess up here by failing to go to full triceps extension and stopping short of fully bending their elbows. Your triceps are elbow extenders, so perform the full range of motion. In your workout: Do this early or in the middle of your workout for sets of reps, and you'll be convinced this is one of the best arm muscle-building machines out there. Alternately, up the reps to double digits as an upper-arm burnout.
Why it's on the list: Take a look at the bench press and you'll notice that the last two-thirds of the movement is mostly elbow extension—in other words, triceps. This is one reason why super strong pressers prioritize triceps training and love the board press to do it. The board press is a partial-rep version of the bench press where you place 2x4s on your chest to preferentially train the lockout.