Why dc is more dangerous than ac

A victim body acts an insulating medium between the live wire and ground leading to capacitance. But we know that a capacitor blocks DC while AC can pass through it. Resistance in DC:. Now resistance in AC also known as impedance. If we put frequency as 50 or 60Hz, the overall impedance i.

This way, AC has the ability to easily pass through the capacitor. It means AC is more dangerous than DC in case when human body act as a capacitor. In short, the impedance and resistance in DC is lower than AC as it decreases when frequency increases. This way, AC is more harmful than DC. Some having the concept that DC is more dangerous than AC with the same level of voltage because AC changes it direction multiple times i.

AC touches the zero value 50 or 60 times per second due to frequency and there is a chance for victim to skip the shock, whereas there is no frequency in DC. Now if we consider the frequency as 60 or 50Hz, lets see how fast AC changes its direction. It shows that AC touches the zero point in after each 0. For example, low voltage about 25V AC with 60 Hz are harmful wet and humid body. In case of electric shock, try to disconnect the power supply and push back the victim body from the source keep in mind that you should properly insulated before doing so.

Only call the professional electrical in case of repairing or troubleshooting. In case of emergency , call the local authority ASAP. For sake of electric shock dc power is more dangerous than single ac power. Ac is more dangerous than Dc. Alternating current has got peak value fifty times in a second which is higher than steady value of dc. Equivalent RMS of ac. Your email address will not be published. The DC voltage that we are most likely to encounter is 12 DC in our vehicles , and it is very unlikely to kill us.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Why is AC more "dangerous" than DC? Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 7 months ago. Active 2 years, 6 months ago. Viewed k times. After all, which is more dangerous? AC or DC?

Improve this question. Waffle's Crazy Peanut 8, 7 7 gold badges 36 36 silver badges 74 74 bronze badges. Ufomammut Ufomammut 2, 10 10 gold badges 30 30 silver badges 50 50 bronze badges.

Depends on lots of factors. People have given good answers. But here's a fun fact. The spark which you see off metal door knobs and sweaters in winter are a minimum of 10, V. I didn't die of it. The brothers felt that this name symbolised the band's raw energy, power-driven performances of their music. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Tesla believed that alternating current or AC was the solution to this problem.

Alternating current reverses direction a certain number of times per second -- 60 in the U. Edison, not wanting to lose the royalties he was earning from his direct current patents, began a campaign to discredit alternating current. He spread misinformation saying that alternating current was more dangerous, even going so far as to publicly electrocute stray animals using alternating current to prove his point. Although some doubted that the falls could power all of Buffalo, New York, Tesla was convinced it could power not only Buffalo, but also the entire Eastern United States.

On Nov. By this time General Electric had decided to jump on the alternating current train, too. It would appear that alternating current had all but obliterated direct current, but in recent years direct current has seen a bit of a renaissance.


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