In any case you can probably do an at-home salt water soak a few times a day for relief, or dab some iodine around the area it could hurt the pants off you, but that's how they disinfect for surgeries.
If you're anything like me and hate going to the doctor when it's something that might get better at home I'd try the DIY treatments for a few days at least. Allergy to earrings is normally contact dermatitis ; however some things make me think that this isn't what you've got. Firstly, contact dermatitis is what's called a 'delayed hypersensitivity' reaction, meaning that it normally takes a couple of days for the reaction to show up, but you talk about getting reactions within fifteen minutes of putting earrings in.
Secondly, you talk about having this reaction after not having earrings in for over a year, and can't see a pattern in exposure to anything else that fits your ear flare ups. The pus sounds like an infection. What it may be is that your piercing holes haven't healed for some reason, which means that you get recurring infections in them. Do other wounds heal normally? If you've had problems with it taking ages for say, a cut on your hand from cooking, to heal then you might have a problem with wound healing in general there are a number of medical conditions that can cause this.
All in all, I think that taking yourself to your doctor is probably the best bet. Really stress to the doctor how long ago your piercings were done - they're used to people coming along with infected ears a short time after a new piercing, but you want to emphasise that this is long term and recurring. Apologies for the hijack, but where does one locate a professional needle piercer? You can develop new allergies as you age, and it sounds like maybe you developed an allergy to some metals and would have to wear sterling silver earrings in the future.
I think once you have a hole, gunk can accumulate in the hole and cause irritation and a reaction. So you might actually have fewer problems if you started wearing hypoallergenic sterling silver earrings because there wouldn't be that empty hole for gunk to get in. Zoyashka: yes. So, yeah, OP, if your lobes are oozing pus and you haven't stuck anything in them for a year or more, hie thee to a dermatologist and get some prescription cream for said lobes--either a steroidy cream or an antibioticky cream.
I know exactly what you mean OP. Even when I leave the holes in my ears without earrings for years at a time I get the same buildup of white discharge from time to time. It's kind of harder than pus right and smells bad if you sniff it? The way I avoid it is to soap up my earlobes when I wash my hair and give them a good hard rub between my fingers. I think it just keeps everything moving in there and prevents the buildup getting out of hand.
I've had it on and off for 20 years plus so I doubt it's anything too life threatening. I can also only wear silver or gold in my ears or I get the same mad irritation as you in a matter of minutes. Same as merocet, sterling silver and gold, except they have to be 18k gold, get almost instant reaction to anything else.
Clean ears. See doctor to check for recurring infection. Clear it up. Once clear or as clearing wear PLASTIC earrings and practice good cleaning hygiene daily with the earrings in or out at night, as doctor advises until your holes heal. They won't seal, but they will heal. I totally could have written this OP many years ago, and that is what I did to clear it up. The plastic earrings that could withstand cleaning solutions was crucial - not plastic sleeves over current earrings.
I actually simply bought a card of about 30 pair of kid earrings at a store like Claire's and wore them for a couple of days while maintaining the "back to health" routine until the holes finally healed.
Edit wore a pair of earrings for a couple of days, tossed them, put in new, wore a couple of days, rinse and repeat Yeah, gun piercings cause trouble. Crappy jewelry causes trouble. Your long term solution is to find a good piercer and go from there. If you want to just address the immediate symptoms, warm salt-water soaks are great.
I used to make a batch, pour some into a shot glass and let my ears rest in the glass till the water cooled off. Do a session every day. And don't play with the piercings! It seems that many of you know something that might be useful for those of us who are ignorant: why is a modern piercing gun worse than a needle?
I had my children and myself done at Claire's, and because the gun nowadays actually uses the earring back as the piercing agent, it seemed sterile. I apologize if this derails the thread, but maybe this isn't common knowledge. It's not specifically the sterility so much as the piercing itself. The earrings are not particularly sharp, and the bevel of the cut is quite short. It's akin to piercing your ear with a thumb tack. A professional piercing place body piercing places always do earlobes as well will use a sterile needle of a much longer length with a more acute bevel, much more like a doctor's hypodermic needle.
This provides a much cleaner cut that heals quicker and with less chance of scarring. As far as sterility goes, when I first got my ears pierced, I was struck by how much like a doctor's office the piercing room was. Cotton balls with antiseptic, latex gloves, the works. I think a number of people are not reading the OP carefully. The OP does not wear earrings, and has not for many years. This is not a question about what to do to allow her to again wear earrings.
OP, I have also not worn earrings in oh, 15 years and yes, I do still occasionally get lobes swollen and irritated by an accumulation of gunk that needs to be squeezed out. If you have had ear piercings for a long time and you find that even a day or two of not wearing earrings cause it to close, then consider getting earrings that you can wear round the clock, and your skin is not allergic to.
If it is less than six weeks old, then the hole will close up on about 24 hours. When the hole is healed, it takes a lot longer. It would take a few weeks for that to happen.
When that happens, you do need to wait a while before you get the ears re-pierced. These beautiful heart piercings! If you want the hole to close entirely without any scarring, then you do have to take better care of the piercing.
Make sure that you clean it well during the early stages of the piercing and also use quality jewelry to avoid a reaction. Get a type that you can wear daily and is comfortable. Another with a gun, twice, that didn't heal after 8 weeks each time. I'd go to work and during lunch it was already closed. Finally did it with a needle and it was perfect.
Then I had another with a gun and after a month it closed up on me while at work I worked during school breaks, they wouldn't let you wear them and I just said fuck it and never bothered again She grabbed an earring and I've never had one go in so easily.
To this day, even after years of not wearing anything, the hole's there. No idea how. Moral of the story, get it done at a pierce shop if you can. Better piercing, less pain, less long-term pain, a better hole no stupid bump and more likely to heal up without closing after 1 day of not wearing it. I had my ears pierced for thinking about 7 years, then took all of them out except one stupid job thing. For the next couple years, I could wear earrings at will in all 5 holes, but eventually just kind of stopped wearing them.
Now you can see where they were, but I can't go all the way through without having to pierce some flesh.
I tried once about a year ago, couldn't get one through, and decided I didn't really care enough to force the issue. I had an eyebrow piercing for a year, took it out for 6 hours and couldn't get it back in. The big question, however, is this: how soon after piercing will things heal up well? Will your ear piercing close up on its own overnight if you remove the earring? When is it okay to remove the ear piercing?
On top of all this, piercings are the current trend, and what this means is that you may be interested in some cool earrings you just spotted. Therefore, you wish to know how soon you can remove the earrings the ear was pierced with then wear the new ones you just bought without worrying about whether that piercing will close up or not.
Amazing transverse lobe zombiebodymods. With all these questions in mind, keep reading to find out more about ear piercings. Generally, you need to wear the earrings put in during piercing until your earring holes heal up well.
Removing the first piercing earrings before the holes heal, for example, within the first week, would easily result in the closing up of the ear piercing. Also, you need to keep in mind that different types of ear piercing will take different time frames to heal. That said, there are different types of ear piercings. These are tragus, rook, earlobe, and conch orbital. Of course, your entire ear could be a canvas, and you can ask the piercer to add a piercing anywhere else you are comfortable with.
However, for proper healing, especially when you want to make more than one piercing at the same time, we recommend that you get two or three holes and not more. Limiting the number of piercings to 3 means proper healing, and also, the pain will be manageable.