Take a look at this Awesome and amazing bags for BA , they are lightweight and will fit perfectly in the cabin without any issue. If your hand baggage goes over the allowance, you may have to put your larger bag in the hold as checked baggage. When you have more bags more than the allowed on BA checked baggage allowance, your bags will be considered as extra baggage, and if you have a large bag, for example a suitcase that exceeds the British airways checked baggage size or weight, it will be considered as excess baggage.
If your checked baggage weighs more than your allowance, you may have to pay a heavy bag charge overweight baggage.
You can take larger items of up to x 75 x 65cm 75 x If the bag weighs more than your allowance, you will be charged extra at the airport. No bag can weigh more than 32kg. Any items larger than the above dimensions will require shipping as cargo. From further investigation, it seems the allotment of oversized baggage would be for sports equipment and musical instruments.
Keep in mind, if you pay for any excess baggage fees, these fees will be on top of those fees and only for one direction. Tip: Use WalletFlo for all your credit card needs.
Anything over either one will be considered cargo. You can read more above. If you check-in without any elite status, you will have to pay the overweight baggage fee for standard checked baggage.
You can read more here about packing methods and what is required about checking this specific sporting equipment. You have three choices for your musical instrument to fly with you on British Airways: carry-on, purchasing an extra seat, or checked. As a carry-on, musical instruments will be free and count towards your free carry-on allowance. If your musical instrument cannot fit in the overhead bin, you can purchase it a seat. A British Airways flight attendant will help you fasten the instrument into the seat.
You must contact British Airways reservations to purchase your instrument a seat. You must contact British Airways 24 hours prior to departure to ensure checking your musical instrument. I highly recommend traveling with your musical instrument in a hard-shell protective case. The stronger it is, the less likely your musical instrument will be damaged during your travels.
Only US airlines will give benefits to US military personnel and veterans. If you want to learn more about military benefits for other airlines, I suggest reading our master article about military benefits when flying.
Service animals are the only animal allowed in the cabin. Prices vary by season, load, weight, and route. You must contact the respective cargo carriers prior with documentation that is required by the country destination you are flying to.
To learn more about traveling your pets on British Airways, read more here. Only Ryanair and Wizz Air charge children for carrying a Trunki in the cabin. Disclaimer - Information correct at time of publication: 24 May No data found. Send to friend. Please enter email address. Please enter an email address. Please enter some message text. Visitor Comments. Specific airline regulations can be found by clicking on the baggage policy links above.
Many airlines have additional fees for checking sports equipment such as skis, golf bags, and bikes. Also, International flights typically have even higher fees and the prices above are for domestic US flights. Learn about airline carry-on baggage policies and restrictions.
Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to footer Airlines are under financial pressure to offset the cost of rising fuel prices and many now charge excess baggage fees for checking one or more piece of luggage. Ship excess baggage instead Instead of paying to haul luggage to the airport, wait in line to check bags and wait at baggage claim, use Luggage Forward to ship your bags directly to your final destination while cutting your airport time in half.