View artwork. Age of Empires Online's servers will shut down next week ;. View screenshots. View videos. Installing and Playing Age of Empires Online.
Full mutliplayer! After Microsoft stopped supporting the game, it was unplayable. Recently, a community project Project Celeste revived the game.
Here is how to install and play AOEO. View all guides. Colonel Sardini. Age of Empires is back! This guide will explain how to play Age of Empires Online again. Joell Joelly. Let me start off by saying that I am only here because, for whatever reason s , the physical copy of this game that I got in isn't installing properly in my new computer new as off almost a year ago, but whatever. I don't know if it's because the version I have isn't compatible with Windows 10 or something else, but I decided it might just be easier to by the game from Steam.
Trouble is, if it is a Windows 10 thing, then I would need to get the Definitive Edition, but the reviews I've read for that makes it seem not worth the money at all. So, if those reviews are correct and the remaster is trash, then if I were to buy this version from Steam, would it work with Windows 10?
Can anyone confirm that the regular version of AoE 3 works with Windows 10? Showing 1 - 15 of 60 comments. Eaglemut View Profile View Posts. Originally posted by BlackMetalKnight :. Arckal View Profile View Posts. Regular version works well on W Try entering the game's activitation key on steam.
Not sure it will work but you should give it a try. Originally posted by Eaglemut :. Last edited by FizzyJizzums ; 19 Oct, pm. Definitive for me. Community patches are great, and I did what I could to both develop and promote the ESOC Patch as much as possible over the past 4 years or so.
But there is only so much we can do as unofficial modders. The vast majority of players of the version still remain on the official decade-old patch, meaning new players are effectively forced to play there too, if they want to find others for multiplayer.
That's just the harsh reality, even though I've tried everything to change it. DE has finally given us an official solution that includes pretty much all the fixes and balance changes we've been working on for years on the old version. And because it's official, we got thousands of players playing it. It's a shame that the game was released with some glaring issues before it was ready, but we have official support now and I can assure you the devs are working on fixing these issues.
Well then, I'll take your word for it with the dev's fixing issues. Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived First Page 2 of 3 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. User Info: fetchystick.
Not once did we break the rules, we only broke the barriers in their minds. User Info: TearsofBlood I've played quite a few RTS games. I haven't played Starcraft, though.
I wish I could play AoE2, but my graphics card doesn't support it. I'd have to rollback my drivers every time I wanted to play, and that'd just suck. User Info: Goose This game can be tough if you're not thinking fast and makes you pay for slacking off.
I still enjoy it though. User Info: popoetr. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. User Info: Kikara AI difficulty is one thing, i just hate how stupid the missions were designed. Early bird gets the worm - when you know you are the worm, its too late.