The cadence of repetitions was carried out in a controlled fashion, with a concentric action of approximately 1 second and an eccentric action of approximately 2 seconds. Training your legs is hard work.
Doing multiple sets to failure on exercises like squats and leg press is harder still. Doing 15 sets for your legs, taking every set to failure, then doing the same thing again a couple of days later is brutal. That matters, because the number of sets you need to maximize growth also depends on how hard you train.
For slow-responders — the so-called hardgainers of this world — increasing your training volume may be just what you need to get your muscles growing.
But, as long as your overall training program is set up properly, gradually ramping up your training volume over time may well deliver better gains than going in the other direction and doing less. This has been seen in research on endurance exercise, where low responders to a particular exercise program see better results when they switch to a higher volume of training.
In one study, subjects who saw little or no gains in cardiovascular fitness following a six-week low-volume training protocol made much better improvements when they upped the dose of training [ 9 ]. A practical way to do so is with the use of short specialization cycles, where you bump up the amount of work you do for certain muscles to make them grow faster.
If you tried to do it for all muscles at the same time, the overall training stress would be too much. Eight weeks later, the individualized volume leg grew more quickly than the leg trained with a fixed volume, even though the average number of sets ended up being very similar in both legs.
For some people and in some muscle groups, even higher training volumes may be useful. Nor can anyone else. Research can guide your decisions, but it only tells you the average response in a group of people. You get to see for yourself what sort of training volume you respond best to. And the way to do it is by starting out with a lower training volume and gradually work your way up. Starting at lower volumes and then gradually ramping it up over time will let you see if the increase in sets makes enough of a difference to justify the time and effort involved in doing so.
Skip to content Skip to primary sidebar. A video posted by terryasher terryasher on Sep 16, at am PDT. Your ideal rep range is 5 to 12 per set. Your ideal volume is 30 to 60 reps.
You could bench press for four sets of six reps and do two sets of 12 reps of dumbbell flyes. So the total volume for that session would have been 48 reps. That stays right in your range. You can do this for all muscle groups, mix and match and make sure to cut the rep range in half for the smaller muscle groups.
I know a lot of people who despise machines and the same goes for free weights. But, despite what anyone says, all three are effective in building muscle. Machine exercises work on a fixed path. The machine stabilizes these types of movements.
Various types of machines include leg press, chest press, chest flye , and many others. It is easier to learn — Everything is set up for you. All you have to do is choose your weight, grab the handles, or get into position and go for it.
Machines are good for beginners because of this. This can make it uncomfortable and hard to progress. An example of this is the hamstring curl machine. These machines are bulky and take up a lot of space. Though they do have all in ones for home use, they can still use up a lot of space in your home. These are exercises you perform using your own bodyweight as resistance.
Bodyweight exercises include triceps dips , push-ups, pull-ups, calf raises, and lunges. It allows for natural movement — Nothing is restricted in bodyweight exercises and they allow for full range of motion. It engages more muscles — When you are in full control of the movements, not like with machines, you will recruit your stabilizer muscles as well. It allows your workout to be done anywhere — There is no equipment needed with most bodyweight exercises, the exceptions are pull-up bars, captains chair exercise, etc.
Bodyweight exercises can be very hard — This is especially the case for beginners or those who may be overweight. The act of doing just a pull-up or push-up takes a lot of strength.
For example, push-ups can be done from your knees. These exercises include the use of all free weights including barbells and dumbbells.
Some of the exercises performed with these weights are biceps curls , triceps kickbacks, weighted squats, and deadlifts. It includes natural movements — Exercises performed with free weights will let you to move with your full range of motion in the most natural way your body will allow for. It engages more muscles — Just like with bodyweight exercises, free weight exercises cause you to use more stabilizing muscles as you do them.
It can be harder to learn at first — Using free weights takes good form and technique to get the full benefits. It just takes a bit of practice and common sense.
Machines keep you stabilized and make up for where you could be lacking. Always remember, we all have abs, they are just hiding underneath that belly fat. You will also need low body fat to get a glimpse of those abs. There are multiple isolation exercises for the triceps that can help with improving the definition of the different heads of the muscle, for example:.
The other portion of your upper arm is made of the biceps brachii which is a two headed muscle. Comprised of the short head and long head , these muscles start from the scapula and come together at the upper forearm.
The biceps support supinating and flexing the forearm and are important for pulling exercises. Once again some of the best exercises you can do to build strength in your biceps are compound movements such as rows, pull ups and close grip chin ups.
You can add some isolation exercises into the mix if you want to improve those beach muscles. The forearms consist of multiple muscles that are divided by the anterior and posterior with corresponding levels such and the superficial, intermediate and deep tissue.
Some muscles include flexor carpi radialis, abductor pollicis longus, brachioradialis and pronator teres. The muscles in your forearm are responsible for moving your wrists, hands and fingers. Forearm strength and grip strength are extremely important in both life and fitness. When doing most upper body exercises your forearms will come into play by holding and gripping the weight or bar. By strengthening your forearms, you will be able to improve other lifts as well such as the deadlift or pull ups.
Usually called the glutes, these muscles start at the pelvis then insert into the femur. The three muscles are the gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. Your glute muscles are partly responsible for walking, running and jumping. Besides being super practical muscles, they also garner unending attention for other reasons. The best exercises for building your glutes are based in large movements such as squats. Many gyms these days are adding glute specific workout equipment amongst their lineup as the trend of bigger behinds continues.
They start at the femur thighbone and ilium hipbone and attach to the patella kneecap. These muscles support the extension of the knee and are essential for standing, walking and running. The best exercises for quadriceps are large compound movements such as squats and lunges. There are numerous variations of both squats and lunges so you should never get bored of working out these muscles.
There are also isolation exercises such as leg extensions or terminal knee extensions TKE if you want to specifically target the quads or are rehabbing an injury. Made of the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris.
We will focus on the biceps of the lower body; the biceps femoris otherwise known as the hamstrings. The biceps femoris is comprised of a long and short head. The short head of the hamstring is attached to the femur whereas the long head attached to the ischium lower hip bone. The best hamstring exercises for building muscles are different types of deadlifts where your legs stay straight and get a massive stretch like stiff legged deadlift.
Most gyms also have machines like the quad curl to isolate the effort of the hamstrings. The calves are made up of two muscles; the gastrocnemius and the soleus. The gastrocnemius is the larger muscle that you can see.
Those with muscle on their mind know it's the time of year when they can focus on size and getting as big as possible. Studies show that if you want to increase your muscle mass, you should focus on the volume of work done in your workouts. The mistake that many lifters make is asking, "What is the ideal range of sets and reps per workout?
If you want to increase muscle size, the real question is, "How many total repetitions should be completed each week?