If a pregnant woman contracts mumps in the first weeks of her pregnancy, she will have a slightly increased risk of miscarriage. As rare as some of these complications are, it is important to seek medical advice or help if an individual suspects they or their child, may be developing them.
Normally, mumps can be diagnosed by its symptoms alone, especially by examining the facial swelling. A doctor might also:. The mumps vaccine is the best method for preventing mumps; it can come on its own or as part of the MMR vaccine. The MMR vaccine also defends the body against rubella and measles. The MMR vaccine is given to an infant when they are just over 1 year old and again, as a booster, just before they start school.
Anyone born after the s would most probably have been given the MMR vaccine but, if unsure, it is always good to check with a doctor. The mumps vaccine is routinely given to children in 82 countries. In many of these countries, encephalitis and deafness related to mumps have nearly disappeared. An adult can be given the MMR at any age; a doctor may advise someone to take the vaccine before traveling abroad to certain regions, including:.
If suffering from cancer or a disease that lowers the immune system, a doctor would need to be consulted before the MMR vaccine is considered. Most people given the MMR vaccine do not suffer side effects, and the disease itself cannot be contracted from the vaccine. A small percentage might develop a rash or fever and possibly aches in their joints. The mumps vaccine is an effective way at protecting people from a viral disease. Learn more about its safety, efficacy, and more here.
Mumps is a childhood illness caused by a virus. Symptoms may include a fever and an aching, swollen jaw, lasting 7 to 10 days. Guidance for optimizing mumps testing practices, when to use a 3rd dose of MMR vaccine during outbreaks, job-aid for providers. Fact sheets, MMWR articles, pink book chapter on mumps, surveillance manual chapter on mumps, video and other digital materials about mumps vaccination and outbreaks.
Even though the vaccine has drastically reduced mumps cases, outbreaks still occur. Outbreaks have most commonly occurred among groups of people who have prolonged, close contact, such as sharing water bottles or cups, kissing, practicing sports together, or living in close quarters, with a person who has mumps. Some vaccinated people may still get mumps if they are exposed to the virus. However, disease symptoms are milder in vaccinated people. Make sure you are protected against mumps with measles-mumps-rubella MMR vaccine.
Skip directly to site content Skip directly to page options Skip directly to A-Z link. Mumps is characterized by swollen, painful salivary glands in the face, causing the cheeks to puff out. Some people infected with the mumps virus have either no signs or symptoms or very mild ones.
When signs and symptoms do develop, they usually appear about two to three weeks after exposure to the virus. The primary sign of mumps is swollen salivary glands that cause the cheeks to puff out. Other signs and symptoms may include:. See your doctor if you or your child has signs and symptoms of mumps. Mumps is highly contagious for about nine days after symptoms appear. Tell your doctor's office before you go in that you suspect mumps so arrangements can be made to avoid spreading the virus to others in the waiting room.
Mumps has become uncommon, so it's possible that another condition is causing your signs and symptoms. Swollen salivary glands and a fever could indicate:. Mumps is caused by a virus that spreads easily from person to person through infected saliva.
If you're not immune, you can contract mumps by breathing in saliva droplets from an infected person who has just sneezed or coughed. You can also contract mumps from sharing utensils or cups with someone who has mumps. The best way to prevent mumps is to be vaccinated against the disease. Most people have immunity to mumps once they're fully vaccinated. The mumps vaccine is usually given as a combined measles-mumps-rubella MMR inoculation, which contains the safest and most effective form of each vaccine.
Two doses of the MMR vaccine are recommended before a child enters school. Those vaccines should be given when the child is:. College students, international travelers and health care workers in particular are encouraged to make sure they've had two doses of the MMR vaccine.
A single dose is not completely effective at preventing mumps. A third dose of vaccine isn't routinely recommended. But your doctor might recommend a third dose if you are in an area that is experiencing an outbreak.