What is limitless film about

Well, no more than usual. Rewatching the Limitless trailer, I laughed thinking about how a drug could make someone write a book in four days or learn Italian overnight or develop an eclectic taste in art. Hell, I had those moments of clarity, but I was far from superhuman. The belief that I need a drug can outweigh actually needing it. That terrifies me most of all. Get McKinley laid! Skip to main content Lifestyle Guinea Pig. Well then.

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After a year, Eddie has retained his wealth and has also published a book. He is now running to become a United States Senate. Van Loon offers Eddie a supply of the drug in exchange for Eddie assisting his ambitions of becoming the US President.

Eddie shares with Van Loom that he is off the drug but has retained all his abilities without having any side effects. By this ending and the events that take place before them, one can assume that Eddie has found a way of retaining the abilities.

The movie goes a full circle and shows the ups and downs of taking the drug. In a constant mess, on the perpetual treadmill of low performance and feeling like shit. No high-performing successful men live like this.

And if your apartment is a mess, you often leave the house in just sweatpants, and you are more familiar with the couch than the outside world, then this post is perfect for you.

Here are 10 things that the NZT induced Eddie Morra does to achieve rapid success, that you can start doing today. With or without a magic pill. Who could live like this he asks himself, and he spends the next 5 hours guess cleaning his apartment. Why would a guy who just unlocked the full potential of his mind waste his time cleaning? No one can. One of the staples of success and productivity is being clean and organized.

If you are living in a mess, with pizza boxes everywhere, you are not at high performance — and your first action should be to clean up your life. I firmly believe that until you do, you will not find the success you desire. When your life is a disorganized mess, you get easily overwhelmed. When you get easily overwhelmed your body is often in an unrelaxed state of fight or flight.

When your body is in an unrelaxed state of fight or flight you are producing different brain waves and pumping out cortisol. Start a small habit of simply making your bed every morning. After a month, progress this to cleaning your room spotless every day before you go to bed. Progress this to never leaving a dirty dish in the sink and cleaning everything you use before you do something else.

Enjoy the boost in productivity, clear thinking, and motivation. Smoking cigarettes, binge eating, constant snacking, and mess. Not even close. We all have to eat. Studies constantly show 1 2 that people who practice intermittent fasting eating for 8 hours and fasting for 16 see a huge increase in mental performance, physical performance, health, and energy levels. Learn more about intermittent fasting.

Constant eating means your using a big chunk of energy digesting. The energy could be used far more effectively elsewhere. If Intermittent fasting is too hardcore for you, just clean up your diet. Day 2 on NZT, Eddie catches a glimpse of his stubbly longhaired homeless man appearance. He gets a fresh cut, grabs some new threads, and heads to the tailor.

Living each day without taking care of your appearance keeps you on the same snowball of low performance that living in a messy environment does. But each and every day, as part of his 30 days boot camp for developing discipline, he showers, grooms and dresses his best.

Start every day with a cold shower , look your best, and dress sharp. In the montage of Bradley in the salon and getting tailored he is working out in the gym.

In the next scene, he is running along the Hudson River while learning a foreign language. And that includes exercising daily. Do something you love. Play squash with your friends, go hiking with a pretty girl. Just make sure you get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. It will add to the snowball effect of your success. While his fast achievement is probably unrealistic, he is constantly feeding his mind — as a successful man is always doing.

Tony Robbins recommends self-educating for at least 1 hour every day as one of his top success secrets. Guys like Tim Ferris have learned to become fluent in new languages in as little as 3 months. These things are doable. Listen to podcasts. Listening to a podcast in the commute to and from work instead of the mindless morning show is a quick change that will yield huge results. He knows what he has to do, and he knows how to do it.


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