Is it normal to have nodules on the thyroid

Rarely, patients with thyroid nodules may complain of pain in the neck, jaw, or ear. Even less commonly, hoarseness can be caused if the nodule invades the nerve that controls the vocal cords but this is usually related to thyroid cancer.

We do not know what causes most thyroid nodules but they are extremely common. By age 60, about one-half of all people have a thyroid nodule that can be found either through examination or with imaging. Iodine deficiency, which is very uncommon in the United States, is also known to cause thyroid nodules. Once the nodule is discovered, your doctor will try to determine whether the rest of your thyroid is healthy or whether the entire thyroid gland has been affected by a more general condition such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

Your physician will feel the thyroid to see whether the entire gland is enlarged and whether a single or multiple nodules are present. The initial laboratory tests may include measurement of thyroid hormone thyroxine, or T4 and thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH in your blood to determine whether your thyroid is functioning normally.

It uses high-frequency sound waves to obtain a picture of the thyroid. This very accurate test can easily determine if a nodule is solid or fluid filled cystic , and it can determine the precise size of the nodule. Ultrasound can help identify suspicious nodules since some ultrasound characteristics of thyroid nodules are more frequent in thyroid cancer than in noncancerous nodules.

Thyroid ultrasound can identify nodules that are too small to feel during a physical examination. Ultrasound can also be used to accurately guide a needle directly into a nodule when your doctor thinks a fine needle biopsy is needed. Once the initial evaluation is completed, thyroid ultrasound can be used to keep an eye on thyroid nodules that do not require surgery to determine if they are growing or shrinking over time.

The ultrasound is a painless test which many doctors may be able to perform in their own office. Sometimes, medications like blood thinners may need to be stopped for a few days before to the procedure.

Otherwise, the biopsy does not usually require any other special preparation no fasting. Patients typically return home or to work after the biopsy without even needing a bandaid! They do run in families, suggesting that there may be a genetic component to them. But you can still develop a thyroid nodule even if nobody else in your family has had one.

In other words, genes are only one of several known risk factors for thyroid nodules. In cases where a thyroid nodule is cranking out excess amounts of thyroid hormone, surgically removing the nodule can cure the hormone overproduction. Endocrine Community. Email Print Discuss. What Are Thyroid Nodules? From causes and symptoms to diagnosis and treatment, the information you need about these common growths.

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We've put together 5 delicious—and diabetes-friendly—recipes. Breakfast, lunch, dinner—even an afternoon snack and a yummy dessert. But determining which nodules are cancerous can't be done by evaluating your symptoms alone. Most cancerous thyroid nodules are slow growing and may be small when your doctor discovers them. Aggressive thyroid cancers are rare with nodules that may be large, firm, fixed and rapid growing. Although most thyroid nodules are noncancerous and don't cause problems, ask your doctor to evaluate any unusual swelling in your neck, especially if you have trouble breathing or swallowing.

It's important to evaluate the possibility of cancer. Also see your doctor if you have signs and symptoms that may mean your thyroid gland isn't making enough thyroid hormone hypothyroidism , which include:. Enlargement of your thyroid can expand the gland well beyond its normal size and cause a noticeable bulge in your neck. This can be caused by single or multiple nodules lumps in your thyroid, or by an autoimmune process.

Overgrowth of normal thyroid tissue. An overgrowth of normal thyroid tissue is sometimes referred to as a thyroid adenoma. It's unclear why this occurs, but it's not cancerous and isn't considered serious unless it causes bothersome symptoms from its size. Thyroid cancer.

The chances that a nodule is cancerous are small. However, a nodule that is large and hard or causes pain or discomfort is more worrisome. You will likely want to have it checked by your doctor. Certain factors increase your risk of thyroid cancer, such as a family history of thyroid or other endocrine cancers and having a history of radiation exposure from medical therapy or from nuclear fallout.

Problems can occur when a nodule or goiter produces thyroid hormone, leading to an excess amount of the hormone in the body. Hyperthyroidism can result in weight loss, muscle weakness, heat intolerance, and anxiousness or irritability. Potential complications of hyperthyroidism include an irregular heartbeat, weak bones and thyrotoxic crisis, a rare but potentially life-threatening intensification of signs and symptoms that requires immediate medical care.

Choosing an experienced specialist can mean more options to help personalize your treatment and achieve better results. Join endocrinologist Paul Ladenson, M.

Health Home Conditions and Diseases. How common are thyroid nodules? Are thyroid nodules cancer? The Johns Hopkins Thyroid and Parathyroid Center Our thyroid experts in the head and neck endocrine surgery team diagnose and treat patients with a variety of thyroid and parathyroid conditions.

Learn about our center.


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