Is it normal to feel worse after chiropractor

An easy and healthy way to help battle inflammation you feel in your back is by using an ice pack. Whether or not the increase in pain was an oversight on their part, it is still important to consult them for further information. As imperative as it is to understand the benefits of chiropractic care, you should also understand common risks and side effects that can occur during your chiropractic treatment.

A good, caring chiropractor will have no problem hashing out the details to best optimize your visit for all future adjustments. It's sometimes normal to experience pain after seeing a chiropractor, but there are simple solutions and remedies. Talk to one of our expert Chiropractors at Arrowhead Clinic by clicking the banner below to schedule a Free Chiropractic Consultation appointment. Original blog written here.

Topics: Chiropractic Questions. View all posts by Dr. Designed by Donovan Digital Solutions. Posted by: Dr. Roy Vogel. Leave a comment. But you do. Author: Dr. Roy Vogel View all posts by Dr. Have A Second to Share? What did you like about the post? Contact us today to get started! Oct 7, Reasons for Soreness After an Adjustment At first, it may feel counterintuitive to learn that a chiropractic adjustment meant to relieve pain can lead to immediate discomfort.

Retracing A chiropractic adjustment is the first step to help your body heal from something as serious as a car accident injury or misalignment, but it is merely kicking off the process. Discomfort in the Muscles In general, muscles are sensitive to physical manipulations and pressure- this is why they are often sore after a new workout. Reflexes During an adjustment, your muscles may be moved in a manner unfamiliar to them, causing sensations you are not used to.

Ways to Handle Post-Adjustment Pain For most people, these effects will subside in about 24 hours and do not require any intervention. Heat and Ice: Alternating a heating pad and an ice pack is often a great way to reduce pain. The heat will allow better circulation, while the ice will reduce inflammation. Neither should be applied for over 20 minutes at a time. Massage: Lightly massaging any sore areas yourself can help improve blood flow.

Do not press hard enough to cause yourself any further pain. Stretching: Walking, swinging the aching body part around, or gentle exercises suggested by your chiropractor can all improve blood flow and speed up healing. Hydration: Being well hydrated before an adjustment provides cushioning for your muscles, but it can also be helpful after the fact. Drinking water regularly will prevent general muscle pain as well! Here are four things that may happen after your first few chiropractic adjustments that may seem to make you feel worse or strange:.

However, cold-like symptoms can happen, especially in response to your first few chiropractic adjustments. You may also experience fatigue due to the release of toxins from the body. It is also common to experience tiredness and fatigue after your first few adjustments as your body adjusts to these newer, healthier positions that promote better functioning in the body.

When your immune system is activated, your body often appreciates you resting so it can work to flush out toxins and sickness while you sleep. Some people wonder why they have sore or tight muscles after a chiropractic adjustment, but this is actually a very normal response.

The muscles that support your spine are used to working for your back in ways that were not as healthy or beneficial. When your spine is properly aligned, your muscles initially may work harder to adjust to this new normal.

Your muscles may have weakened over time due to poor posture or misalignment, so it takes time to build up strength so they can provide proper support to your healthily functioning spine. Another way your body releases toxins is through more frequent bowel movements. You may notice a need for the bathroom more frequently after your first few adjustments as your body is ridding itself of these toxins. Chiropractic adjustments also promote better functioning in the whole body, which includes your digestive system.

When your spine is properly aligned and your digestive system is encouraged to function more healthily, this may prompt a release.


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